Two Wolves

Have you ever had that feeling that your team isn’t aligned under you…like you just can’t connect with them? Have you ever had employees who don’t seem to live up to your expectations? This book shares with you information that will change how you lead your people and what you need to do to redirect and drive your business to new levels of success. This is a leadership book educating you from the view of an experienced, award winning, and battle hardened HR professional.

The storms will come and go while leaving a swath of destruction in its wake. If you’re foundation as a leader is solid, you can recover, recoup, and reconquer…but you still need the right team in place and if you don’t do the work now, you will struggle forever in the future. Who wants a life that feels irrelevant and insignificant? That’s the repercussion of not building and leading a team that can pull for you.

With personal stories and insights gained through years of trial and error, Brenda Neckvatal lays out the honest work leaders must do to drive their team to fight for you when you’re in the trenches and when you’re leveling up to reach your next level of success.

The Best HR Planner on the Planet

Want to get more done? Do you know what deadlines to prepare for this year? Have you planned out your HR objectives? Get organized with a system to make you the compliance expert in your company that your leaders can count on. Be the focused action taker while tracking all of the necessary due dates for your company.

This printed and bound book is loaded with user-friendly information and resources that provide answers to your questions and active actionable live links to the valuable resources every HR pro needs. This revised version will give you the flexibility you need to bring your A-game every day.

Best Practices in Human Resources: How to Claw Your Way from Want-to-Be to VP

This is a book for HR champions, written by an HR ProfessionalThe Best Practices in Human Resources combines Brenda the HR Lady’s story of becoming a rising HR professional, the actions she took passionately, and her shared lessons of HR leadership. You'll learn how she beat the odds with a disability from this book. Whether you’re new to the field or a veteran HR pro, you'll learn strategies that will motivate you to level up and reach your potential.This book is stocked with shining examples of how to master your craft, defeat the false narratives in your head and work towards your dreams in HR. The lessons and strategies shared in this book come from firsthand experience, there's absolutely no speculation or unexecuted ideas.Once you start reading this book, it will be hard for you to put it down. You'll also become excited about a future, get motivated, and find clarity to get out there and forge your career path. Read this book today and let Brenda take you on your personal journey to the top of your game.